The Big Garden Birdwatch is the world's largest wildlife survey and is organised by the RSPB who've been running it for over 40 years.
All you have to do to get involved is choose an hour at any time during the Birdwatch dates (The 2020 event is 25th-27th January) and then spend that hour enjoying nature and counting birds, simples!
If you don't have a garden it's fine, you can head to the park, round up the children, call the grandparents in and get counting nature. The RSPB asks you to only count birds that land in your garden or the park rather than those flying over and to report your findings back to them via their online tool here. The RSPB is also asking that you report back any other animals you see during the hour, helping to build a more complete picture of the state of our wildlife.
The data collected from the count is fed into one central system by the RSPB and gives valuable insight into the current state of affairs in the gardens and fields of Britain. The Birdwatch allows the RSPB to monitor species health and, as an example, was the first survey to highlight the decline in the number of song thrushes in UK gardens. The survey helps spot problems but also helps to take action to put things right.
Will you join in and visit the RSPB website, register to download your free pack and get set to count? We'd love to hear how you get on, find us on Facebook, twitter or instagram and tell us what you saw.
And most importantly, Enjoy an hour with the birds and the wildlife.
Don't forget to submit your results to the RSPB.