We came across the best tweet recently which really illustrates the impact of building in space for nature within our homes, no matter whether they are a new build, extension or existing home!
James added a range of wildlife nesting and roosting spaces to his home and is really seeing the rewards for his wildlife neighbours of moving them in!
In a different world, this would have been a house that was closed to nature, a lost space for wildlife. With a few simple additions, James has created habitat for different species, and made his home a haven for wildlife.
In the Twitter comments, James says he is on his fourth consecutive year of bluetits nesting and of the Bee Brick being occupied. He hasn't yet managed to confirm bats roosting but this is trickier to identify - and should they need it, the space is there.
What a joy to see, and an inspiration to anyone considering building work. We can live alongside nature rather than against.
Here’s the link to the Tweet and comments!
Learn More about making your home and garden more wildlife friendly here:
Read the blog: Consideration for all wildlife within construction
More info about installing Bee Bricks:
How to attract bees to your garden

Links to the shop for your wildlife needs:
Make a hibernation or nursery Bat Roost
Find products to help our declining bird populations here
Solutions for Nesting Birds are here
Connect gardens and wild spaces for hedgehogs by linking them up here