Telegraph article highlights the role of new homes
Writing in the Telegraph on Saturday, Nicola Venning highlighted some of the developers in the country who are implementing biodiversity enhancement measures on their developments. The article showcases several projects where new, 'ordinary housing developments' are 'rich with the scent of wildflowers. Butterflies and bees fly around and the sound of birdsong rings out.'
Redrow Homes are one such company who have been busy installing bat boxes, insect boxes, hedgehog highways and Bee Bricks as standard within their developments. They also place information boards around to help engage the new residents in learning about the wildlife that they become a part of protecting.
In the article Redrow's head of sustainability, Robert Macdiarmid is quoted as saying “They are really quite subtle, and Âunless they were pointed out you Âprobably would not spot them. Most people like the idea that they are contributing to and playing a role in nature conservation."
At Green&Blue it's a case we've been making for a while now and it's great to see more developers acting on it and the national press reporting around it. There are new biodiversity planning rules which have been introduced in Cornwall and Dorset so far which recommend numerous enhancement and mitigation measures to ensure that developers are made accountable and weave consideration for wildlife into their plans from the outset. Measures like Bee Bricks, swift boxes and bat boxes are very simple ways to increase biodiversity, educate householders and ensure we start to reverse some of the damage we have caused over decades of construction.
You can read the full Telegraph article here.